Acrylic on Canvas 30" x 30"
Painted in 2011 on a Gallery Wrap Canvas that does not require framing for display.
"Take Out" is a figurative study of a common Chinese Food takeout box suspended in a bluish purple and pink checkerboard grid that amplifies it's remarkable design and utility. It was a featured work at my 2012 NYC Chelsea show "Ordinary Things" and commended in a review by Gallery and Studio Magazine*.
*"Perlmutter's special gift for making the most of trivial detritus of our consumer culture ... comes across dynamically in “Take Out” ... a white cardboard Chinese take-out carton against a pink and blue grid ... that makes the image advance and flatten out on the picture plane as one continues to contemplate it."
Price $3,400**
(A certified copy of the magazine cover and review page will be included with the painting.)
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**Standard price plus 50% for being singled out in a very positive review by a leading Art Publication.
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